Book A Consultation

Are you planning your nomad journey and do not know where to start? Are you overwhelmed with all the things to do and cannot find suitable information on how to optimize your tax or deal with your visa?

I have been at this point too, and, oh, did I feel lost.

But it does not need to be this way; I can provide you with the guidance I wish I had when I started with all my questions.

Digital Nomad in city smiling

Digital Nomad Consultation

I want to help you get started and share my knowledge on how I set up my business and optimized it.

For over two years, I have been traveling the world, and I have managed to optimize my business to 0% tax. Legally.

If you are looking for ways to dodge the IRS or the tax office in an illegal way, I cannot help you.

But if you want to optimize your business in a legal way, I can help you with that.

Consultation with Patrick Richter

Book Your 90-Minute Expert Session

Get ready for a 90-minute session full of expert advice with Patrick Richter. Patrick is known for his deep knowledge in moving to a new country, setting up businesses, and saving on taxes. Since 2019, he has helped people with these topics.

If you're looking for the best advice from a leading expert in this field, then Patrick's consultation is the right choice for you.

If you are able to reduce your tax income to as low as 0%, this 75-minute booking session pays off in no time.

He is well-known for giving personalized and effective strategies to meet your specific needs.

Why Choose Patrick for Your Consultation?

  • Extensive Experience: Patrick has been traveling the world himself for over 2 years and visited over 30 countries.
  • Expert in Business setups: Gain insights into residency changes, business structures, and tax planning from a leading expert.
  • Personalized Strategies: Get advice tailored to your unique situation for the best results.

Book Now for Expert Guidance from Patrick Richter. Don't miss this chance to get the advice you need from a top expert in the field.

499,99 One-Time-Purchase 90-min
  • Business Structures
  • Digital Nomad Visas
  • Tax Reduction

After I received your payment,
please drop me a message so we can find an appointment.

M. Sarim Zafar
M. Sarim Zafar
Star: 6.0 out of 5.0 I have not met Patrick personally, but he has inspired me deeply to take a step that I have been thinking for quite sometime. Probably before COVID, but always too hesitant to take it. But the story of Patrick is a great inspiration for many like me, who are aspiring digital nomads. I also took an hour session with him through which I was able to devise a plan for myself on how to proceed with the overall journey. It is indeed a journey of unknown, but lights like Patrick are there to help us all. Also, his big brother guide is worth a read, filled with his experiences and learnings. Definitely a buy! Patrick, my big brother, I am definitely coming to meet you in 2024 !
After several years as an employed software developer in Germany, I wanted to build my dream of a freelance life abroad. However, before realizing it, I needed information to help me plan better and I also wanted to have realistic expectations. Patrick gave me a very good picture of my plans and was able to validate the information I had previously gathered. Topics included compliance requirements when working as an IT freelancer from abroad, hourly rates, client search, application processes, different markets, career planning - all specifically for my project in the IT sector. Based on his experience, Patrick was always able to answer my questions in a precisely tailored way, understand the context and realistically point out the opportunities and limitations. The consultation was a lot of fun and I am now tackling my project with additional self-confidence!

For over 2 years, Patrick has been traveling the world more than twice, visited +30 countries, and helping people like you start their journey to becoming digital nomads themselves.